How does Strength show the ruder side of his nature?
STRENGTH. Everyman, I will thee also forsake
and deny. Thy game liketh me not at all.
EVERYMAN. Why, then ye will forsake me all? 810
Sweet Strength, tarry a little space.
STRENGTH. Nay, sir, by the rood of grace,
I will hie me from thee fast,
Though thou weep till thy heart to-brast.° °burst
EVERYMAN. Ye would ever bide by me, ye said. 815
STRENGTH. Yea, I have you far enough conveyed.
Ye be old enough, I understand,
Your pilgrimage to take on hand.
I repent me that I hither came.
EVERYMAN. Strength, you to displease I am 820
to blame; Yet, promise is debt, this ye well wot.
STRENGTH In faith, I care not!
Thou art but a fool to complain.
You spend your speech and waste your brain.
Go, thrust thee into the ground. (Exit STRENGTH.)
Views: 0 Asked: 12-19 01:35:47
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